From Growth Mindset to Degrowth Actions


From Growth Mindset to Degrowth Actions

21. 7. 2022

 Ekumenická akademie vás zve na událost

---- 21. 7. - 26. 7. 2022 ----
Zajímá tě téma nerůstu a jak jej aktivně rozvíjet ve své komunitě? Máš chuť zažít a spolutvořit nerůstový experiment spolu s dalšími lidmi z Rakouska, Slovinska, Rumunska a Portugalska?

Degrowth's main emphasis is not merely on calling for less growth, consumption or production, but more fundamentally, in inviting one to shift and re‐politicise the terms in which economic relations and identities are considered.
Training offers interesting points of departure for conceptualising and practicing alternatives to consumer capitalism also in connection with deconstructing our perception of citizenship.
Degrowth is mainly addressed by researches and not practically oriented so also non-professionals could grasp it. On the training, we will try breaking it down to think about it and live it so each of us can contribute to better understanding of global interdependencies.
We will examine degrowth from a theoretical perspective with some guest speakers working in the area of activism, politics as well as on the practical level.