Current News

18. 9. 2018
In July 2018 it was decided that, as of 2020, kindergartens will no longer have the obligation to accept two-year-old children More...
18. 9. 2018
In July 2018 it was decided that, as of 2020, kindergartens will no longer have the obligation to accept two-year-old children More...
6. 8. 2018
Within the two-year parliamentary term, the chairwoman of the Czech Women’s Lobby Jana Smiggles Kavková from the member organization Forum 50% was replaced by Eliška Kodyšová, the director of the APERIO – Healthy Parenting Association.  More...
19. 7. 2018
The Czech Women's Lobby and Amnesty International launched a petition for the immediate adoption of the Istanbul Convention. More...
19. 7. 2018
The Czech Women's Lobby and Amnesty International launched a petition for the immediate adoption of the Istanbul Convention. More...
21. 6. 2018
On June 21, 2018, our team visited international conference „Jak na rovnost“ (How to reach equality) organized by The Department of Equality of Women and Men of The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.  More...
19. 6. 2018
On the occasion of the International Day of Equality of Women and Men, the Social Watch Czech Republic and the Czech Women's Lobby are calling on the political representation to More...
18. 6. 2018
On the occasion of the forthcoming International Day of Gender Equality, the Embassy of Canada in cooperation with the Czech Women's Lobby and the Forum 50% organized a debate on the representation of women in Czech politics. More...