Who we are

We are an umbrella network of Czech women’s associations representing a total of 36 organisations, that help women and strive for gender equality.

Since 2008 we have been playing an active role in the field of human rights and influencing laws to make women's lives better. We bring an expert perspective on gender issues into the public debates and create space for organisations to work together. We promote gender equality and empower disadvantaged groups of women.

We are part of the European Women's Lobby, which brings together feminist and gender organisations in Europe and works with European institutions.

The Czech Women's Lobby promotes the interests of all women regardless of their race, ethnicity, health, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief and LGBTQI+.

Our vision

We envision a fair society, where people of all genders (women, men and non-conforming people) will have comparable access to resources and opportunities, and will receive the support of a culture that openly affirms the value of all women.

Our mission

Our mission is to be a strong feminist voice that defends women's rights. Together, we advocate for systemic change leading to gender equality.

Our achievements

  • The Czech government’s signature of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention)
  • The Czech Women’s Lobby serving as vice-chair of the Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
  • Contribution to kindergarten accessibility/capacity increase (amendment to the Education Act)
  • Collaboration on the creation of the Strategy for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, the Czech Republic 2030 Strategic Framework, and the Ministry of Social Affairs Family Policy Concept.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of women’s rights in international treaties (CEDAW, UPR) and reporting on the matter in UN meetings.