For the seventh time, the Czech Women's Lobby participated in the UN campaign Orange the World. The campaign focuses on eliminating the violence against women. More...
"The first marches in September were safe. But the police started to be aggressive and arrest women. Even more vulnerable groups started to march, to show that they want to stop the violence," says Alena Aharelysheva. More...
Women from the Czech Women´s Lobby met with its two member organizations SIMI and Roma women group Manushe from Slovo21 for a joined outdoor picnic at the Kotlaska community centre on 12th August. More...
In Sunday November 25th, 2018, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a representative of the Obstetric Working Group of the Czech Women´s lobby put a rose in front of the Ministry of Health More...
On the 9th of October we have organised in cooperation with our member organization “Forum 50%” a debate on the topic “Time for the first Czech female president”. More...
On Thursday, September 25th, 2018 a special screening of the movie "Jusqu'à la garde“, organized by Artcam Films in cooperation with the Czech Women's Lobby and ProFem, took place at the French Institute. More...
On June 21, 2018, our team visited international conference „Jak na rovnost“ (How to reach equality) organized by The Department of Equality of Women and Men of The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. More...
On Thursday, June 14th, on the occasion of the upcoming International Day for the Equality of Women and Men, we joined to the discussion „The First Czech Female President?“ More...
The Czech Women's Lobby and its member organizations co-organized a celebration of International Women's Day that took place in the salons of the French Embassy. More...