Current News

7. 3. 2019
In 1908, thousands of women marched through the streets of New York to protest for shorter working hours, higher wages, their right to vote and political and economic rights for women.  More...
14. 1. 2019
Even though the prosecutor deemed the complaint filed by the Czech Women’s Lobby unsubstantiated, he did find that Monsignor Piťha failed to base his September sermon on facts and deliberately misinterpreted the human rights document. More...
10. 1. 2019
The project Invisible power entails creation of a coalition of women's rights organisations with a focus on marginalised groups of women living in the Czech Republic - Roma and migrant women.  More...
29. 11. 2018
Three years ago in 2015 Czech Women´s Lobby together with Amnesty International led a successful campaign called and gathered almost 10 thousand signatures of a petition to support the Istanbul Convention. More...
29. 11. 2018
Three years ago in 2015 Czech Women´s Lobby together with Amnesty International led a successful campaign called and gathered almost 10 thousand signatures of a petition to support the Istanbul Convention. More...
26. 11. 2018
„Be physicians who respect the body, experience, history of others. Treat with women who give birth with honour and respect. “Those are some of the wishes women aim at Czech obstetricians. More...
25. 11. 2018
In Sunday November 25th, 2018, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a representative of the Obstetric Working Group of the Czech Women´s lobby put a rose in front of the Ministry of Health More...
8. 11. 2018
The Czech Republic – along with most Council of Europe member states – has signed on to the “Istanbul Convention”, which aims at preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence More...