Current News

28. 7. 2020
The EWL has expressed its concern and dismay over Poland’s initiative to withdraw from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. More...
24. 7. 2020
Czech Women Lobby submitted recommendations based on gendered impact of Covid-19 to the Government of the Czech Republic More...
17. 7. 2020
The EWL thanked the three countries which will be holding the Presidency of the European Council for setting out an ambitious commitments and emphasis put on gender equality set forth in their priorities the next 18-months. More...
1. 7. 2020
In the emergency state, Czech Women’s Lobby, an umbrella organisation of almost 40 women’s rights organisations, continued its everyday activities focused on improving the conditions of women in society. More...
8. 6. 2020
A flyer with basic information about pregnancy and childbirth of our Obstetric working group is now also available for women who do not speak Czech. More...
2. 6. 2020
The European Women’s Lobby’s publication “Purple Pact: A feminist approach to the economy” provides analysis and recommendations to rethink the current macro-economic system from a critical feminist perspective. More...
15. 4. 2020
In a letter addressing governments and heads of state, the EWL members call to seize the opportunity now and to plan for the long term. More...
1. 4. 2020
Project „WITH YOU*TH towards an active citizenship“ supported Foundation 0SF through the program Active Citizens Fund. More...