The Gender Expert Chamber

The Gender Expert Chamber of the Czech Republic is an official, independent platform for cooperation with executive, state, and self-governing administrations. GEC provides gender analyses and guarantees the expertise of its members from the field. The main aim is to integrate a gender perspective into the agendas of the state and the private sector through the engagement of highly-qualified gender experts.

GEC is a partner to institutions which will decide to include the issue of equal opportunities and gender equality into their policies and processes, including working and advisory bodies and expert groups. GEC is also a partner to staff members responsible for the gender equality agenda in their institutions and companies.

Main services of GEC include:

  • Mediating the services of experts in the field of gender education, consulting and advisory services, expert studies and analyses
  • Identifying the best gender equality solutions for the client’s institution or company, including an expertly-performed gender audit
  • Recommending concrete experts for new or established working and advisory groups and other expert bodies
  • Helping with creating or corrections of gender-balanced texts, projects, names etc.
  • Providing information on gender equality and equal opportunities

Who are experts?

The Gender Expert Chamber of the Czech Republic guarantees the expertise and quality of services of its members who come from various fields of research and sectors of society. Thanks to this diversity we can provide services of truly specialized experts who will meet your needs and requirements.

The expert database contains professionally-verified individuals with proven results and experience in the field of equal opportunities (for women and men) and gender equality. They specialize in various issues and topics, hence the variability of possibilities for cooperation. They focus on issues, 

such as the labour market, work-life balance, gender violence and sexual harassment, obstetrics and birthing services, sexual rights of women, human trafficking, LGBT, minorities, immigration and migration, law, education and schooling, and research and innovation.


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