On Thursday, June 14th, on the occasion of the upcoming International Day for the Equality of Women and Men, we joined to the discussion „The First Czech Female President?“ More...
The Czech Republic is one of the last countries who has not yet ratified the Istanbul Convention. What is the cause and how has the situation developed to this day?
The Czech Republic is one of the last countries who has not yet ratified the Istanbul Convention. What is the cause and how has the situation developed to this day?
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs announced its plan to move the CZK 1.8 billion, allocated by the Operational programme Employment to support of the equality of women and men in the labor market, to other areas. More...
„Reflection of the impact of ESIF programs on the equality of men and women at labour market“is a project implemented by the Czech Women’s Lobby since 1st of March 2018 More...
The Stockholm Forum on Gender Equality was held on 15–17 April 2018 and gathered more than 700 participants from over 100 countries and a multitude of sectors and functions. More...