Current News

18. 3. 2015
From 9 to 20 March 2015 the 59th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women took place in New York. The Czech delegation was led by Martina Štěpánková, who attended the meeting last week More...
8. 3. 2015
The celebrations organized in Brno on the occasion of International Women’s Day will last three days this year.  More...
6. 3. 2015
“The equality of women and men?... often just on the paper not in the reality,” reminder from feminists on International women´s day.  More...
13. 2. 2015
On February 13th 2015, at 10 am, the Czech Women’s Lobby and the Czech Women’s Union held a press meeting in Prague on the occasion of the international campaign to end violence against women. More...
13. 2. 2015
Happening to One Billion Rising campaign was held in Brno thanks Nesehnutí and Czech Women's Lobby on Friday, 13th of february in 2015 from 16:00 on Moravian square in front of The Governor palace. More...
13. 2. 2015
Today, on February 13th 2015, on the eve of Valentine’s Day, in Brno and all over the world people have danced to end violence committed against women.  More...
13. 2. 2015
Czech Women's Lobby and the Czech Women's Union issued on 13 February 2015 a press release about the Fellowship of (non) acceptance of the Istanbul Convention on the occasion of the international campaign One Billion Rising. More...
19. 1. 2015
Czech Women's Lobby has added their signatures to an open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel together with the European Women's Lobby and other organizations that deal with women's rights. More...