Current News

20. 4. 2016
The Czech Women’s Lobby welcomes the amendment to the education law that would establish a right to a place in preschool for children from the age of 3, and, as of 2020, from the age of 2 as well. More...
20. 4. 2016
Česká ženská lobby vítá novelizaci školského zákona, která zakotvuje nárok na místo v mateřské škole pro děti od 3 let, resp. od 2 let věku od roku 2020. Garance místa v mateřské škole je pro rodiče nezbytnou podmínkou pro možnost návra More...
11. 4. 2016
Czech Women´s Lobby sent and open letter to the prime minister of the Republic of Poland with concerns about the proposal to adopt a complete ban on abortions in Poland.  More...
8. 4. 2016
The Czech Women’s Lobby organized today a protest called ‘For the freedom of choice: Protest in support of Polish women’ in front of the Polish embassy in Prague. More...
8. 4. 2016
Supporting protest for a polish women´s freedom of choice took place on the 8th of April 2016 in front of the building of Polish Embassy in Prague. This happening was a respond to one of the intentions of Polish government that planed f More...
15. 3. 2016
The Czech Republic places 88th in the world ranking measuring women representation in high politics.  More...
8. 3. 2016
The celebration of International women´s day was not exception In Brno either. Celebrations took two days and it started by panel debate on topic Migration through feminist perspective in venues of Faculty of Social studies of Masaryk U More...
7. 3. 2016
We are glad, that Czech women´s lobby could cooperate together with French Institute and The Embassy of France in the Czech republic on the important event as International women day is. In the evening of the 7th of march we organized a More...