Migrant and Roma women in the Czech Republic and other parts of Europe face economic and social inequalities and live in a position particularly vulnerable to violence and discrimination. More...
On November 25, the Czech Women´s Lobby, in cooperation with Slovo 21 and SIMI, organised an online debate on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. More...
The Voice against Violence project aims to improve the situation on violence against women and domestic violence by educating and supporting victims and experts. More...
EuroMed Rights is a network of 80 human rights organisations, institutions and individuals based in 30 countries in Europe and the Mediterranean region. More...
"The first marches in September were safe. But the police started to be aggressive and arrest women. Even more vulnerable groups started to march, to show that they want to stop the violence," says Alena Aharelysheva. More...
The EWL’s publication “Purple Pact: A feminist approach to the economy”, the result of the EWL feminist economics working group, provides analysis and recommendations to rethink the current macro-economic system. More...
Despite all the efforts and progress, there’s an on-going backlash against the Istanbul Convention in number of countries who are threatening to rescind their ratification and dismantle all that’s been done by the women’s organizations. More...
Women from the Czech Women´s Lobby met with its two member organizations SIMI and Roma women group Manushe from Slovo21 for a joined outdoor picnic at the Kotlaska community centre on 12th August. More...