Current News

23. 10. 2014
The National Reform Programme 2014 and CWL, represented by Jane Smiggels Kavková met for discussion, on 23. 10. 2014 with representatives of the European Commission. Mission to the Czech Republic, led by Detlef Eckert. More...
11. 10. 2014
As part of international activities CWL President Jana Chržová and board member Jana S. Kavková attended Annual Conference / Assembly of the European Women's Lobby in Lisbon on 10 and 11 October 2014. The General Assembly EWL in Lisbon  More...
23. 9. 2014
Czech Women´s Lobby has sent in 2014 open letters to the five leaders and to the members of the Government and published a press release. More...
23. 9. 2014
In the context of lobbying the CWL focused on the issue of prostitution and lobbied both on personal meetings with politicians, as well as through e-mail correspondence, which was sent to all Members of Parliament. More...
23. 6. 2014
Minister for Gender Equality celebrated International day on gender equality by pulling a stroller and carrying shopping bags.  More...
12. 6. 2014
Czech women´s lobby on behalf of their member organizations supports and joins European challenge of solidarity with the Hungarian non-profit organizations. More...
14. 2. 2014
On the 14th of February at 16 pm at Prague's Kinsky Square took place symbolic rsising – in other words public rejection of cyberviolence against women and helping professionals. Hosting organization had joined the global movement, "One More...
13. 2. 2014
Rise up together against Cyber crime! Cyber crime is a real threat for women and it might leave same trauma as any kind of violence.  More...