Current News

20. 5. 2012
On 20 May, the CWL participated in meetings of the Permanent Commission for Family and RP. She was given the opportunity to present before the parliamentarian's activities and acquaint them with the main challenges. More...
12. 5. 2012
At general meeting of the European Women's Lobby on May 12 2012 in Budapest, we organised a thematic working group, so-called Issue Group "on the subject of midwifery in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc”. More...
15. 4. 2012
April 15th 2013, we held a demonstration in support of imprisoned activists Pussy Riot in front of the Russian Embassy. More...
3. 3. 2012
Mezinárodní den žen zůstává i dnes připomínkou stále relevantního boje za rovné společenské postavení žen a mužů a genderovou spravedlnost. I když byla v uplynulém století zavedena zejména v legislativní oblasti řada pozitivních změn. More...
23. 9. 2011
In connection to the trial against midwifery of Ivana Königsmarková and approval of the Health Care Act, which drastically reduces the activity of midwives and pushes them beyond the boundaries of legality, the Czech Women's Lobby launc More...
8. 9. 2011
In August 2011, CWL wrote another open letter to Prime Minister Nečas regarding the non-functioning of the Government Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. More...
8. 2. 2011
The conference was held with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung on 17 March. It focused on two main themes: the area of care (children, the elderly and other dependent persons) and the impact of the financial crisis on women. More...
10. 11. 2010
Czech Women lobby (CWL) covers 21 organizations which defend women rights. CWL in coopetation with other organizations prepared an an alternative report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Disc More...