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Ecology without gender boundaries

By 3. 9. 2024January 28th, 2025No Comments

Project Description :

The aim of the project is to educate feminist and environmental stakeholders on the interconnected issue of environmental/gender inequalities. Through a lobbying-working group and networking, we aim to increase the competences of women stakeholders who will be able to develop practical strategies to respond to climate, equity and sustainability policies.
CJL is participating in the project as a partner organisation. It cooperates with GIC NORA, o.p.s., EnviroStopa and LEARNABLE SOCIETA’COOPERATIVA A. R.L.

Activity 1: Consortium kick-off meeting in Prague – International project meeting 1

Activity 2: Analytical report on ecofeminism

Activity 3: Digital infographics

Project period: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2027

Donor : Erasmus+

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