Press release of Amnesty International Czech Republic and the Czech Women’s Lobby

Press release of Amnesty International Czech Republic and the Czech Women’s Lobby

22. 9. 2015

She was wearing a miniskirt? Then she was asking to be raped, is the opinion of one third of Czechs.

A survey carried out by the agency Focus for Amnesty International has revealed that Czechs have absolutely no idea on how often rapes occur or who is the most common perpetrator. Moreover, many of them are confident that the woman is to blame – for instance when she wears provocative clothing, flirts or is intoxicated. 


The press release can be found below, in Czech only.



Gabriela Bártová, Amnesty International ČR:, 725 495 573

Hana Stelzerová, Česká ženská lobby:, 725 820 266

Jiří Nepala, agentura Focus:, 775 094 490

Projekt „Hájíme práva žen v ČR“ podpořila Nadace Open Society Fund Praha z programu Dejme (že)nám šanci, který je financován z Norských fondů, a Úřad vlády ČR, projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Úřadu vlády České republiky a Rady vlády pro rovné příležitosti.